
Wow! What a fabulous day it was today at The Kitchen Company! We hosted our annual knife event sponsored by Wusthof and were lucky enough to have THREE knife experts in the house! A huge THANK YOU to Executive Chef Mike Garaghty and Knife Expert Hank Allen, both from Wusthof, and to Bruce Bochman, local expert knife maker located right her in Grants Pass Oregon.

Not only were there some incredible savings on knife purchases, but we were also treated to expert advice on a huge selection of Wusthof knives. Not only could you ask all your burning knife questions, but there was an opportunity to try all the knives on display.

We were treated to roasted turkey sliders courtesy of Becky Bochman (turkey roaster) and Chef Mike (turkey carver). Chef Mike all gave some great tips on roasting a turkey. Did you know that the “rest” period after roasting is critical? How about the type of pan in which you roast your turkey? A low-sided pan (like the baking sheets that were part of last month’s giveaway) coupled with a rack, allows air to flow all around the turkey which allows for more even cooking on the lower portions of the bird. Meaning that the thighs and legs get cooked before the breast meat gets over cooked!

All in all, it was a great day. Thank you to the folks who patiently waited in line for their knives to be sharpened, or at the check out when the lines were long-ish, or at the knife stations where there we a lot of folks wanting to ask questions and try out the knives.

Below are some images from the event. Just click and image to enlarge it and scroll through the gallery.